Tuesday, September 23, 2008

How To Lose Weight Fast & Effectively!


1. How much weight should I lose? Answer:
If you’re like most people, you’ve probably set very high weight-loss standards for yourself. This can lead to disappointment. So before you start, it’s important to establish realistic goals that you can reach and feel good about. For most people, a weight-loss goal of about 5% to 10% of their body weight is realistic and rewarding.

Remember, you don’t have to lose a great amount of weight to improve your health. Studies show that a 5% to 10% weight loss can improve weight-related health problems such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease and diabetes.

2. Do I have to do strenuous exercise to lose weight? Answer:
No. In fact, you can achieve results simply by increasing the level of physical activity that you and your doctor decide is appropriate. Even walking a few minutes each day will make a difference.

Boosting your level of physical activity is a good idea for at least three reasons:

* People who regularly engage in physical activity are generally more successful at losing weight and keeping it off than those who don’t.
* Increasing physical activity is good for you. It generally lowers blood pressure, helps control diabetes, lowers cholesterol and improves cardio-respiratory function.
* People who are physically active report that they enjoy improved moods and enhanced self-esteem and self-respect, as well as reduced stress, anxiety and depression.

Some people cannot increase their level of physical activity for medical reasons. Please consult your doctor before starting or increasing your physical activity.

3. Doesn’t genetics affect weight? Answer:
Absolutely, but you have to manage your weight within that. Work with the hand you’ve been dealt; for example, being big-boned is no excuse for being 100 pounds overweight. Accept that you have some extra challenges — and that you’ll probably never be stick-thin — but don’t let that be your excuse.

Did you find those tips on Weight Loss useful? You can learn a lot more about my Story and the Program I used to be successful here.

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